Wallpaper has become extremely popular these days, bringing a dramatic effect and a solution for a quick room transformation. With wallpaper you can incorporate colour and get the added benefit of pattern. In fact, with its endless varieties, from bold florals to vintage-style graphics to nostalgic textures, wallpapers are not only making a comeback but here to stay for a good reason. Check out the latest trends and styles.
Tropical Escapism
Blossoming landscapes for your walls are a major trend for 2016, designed to carry you away to a distant land. Delicate botanic paintings, tropical flowers, fragrant orchid blossoms, palm leaves and textures of water colors are filling the catalogs. Welcome to the jungle.
Slate, Wood, Concrete and Brick
Surfaces of silver and gold motifs giving the impression of a rusty storage or downtown loft create an inspiring living and working atmosphere. Wallpapers mimicking slate, wood paneling and brick popular than ever.
3D Vision
We are already immersed in the 3D era of geometric patterns. Wallpapers with dynamic dominant geometries shapes and forms give the interior a sense of new minimalism. The graphics are meant to capture and comment on our information age with bright colours and geometric forms.
Nostalgic Charm
The opulence of the 19th century brings to the interior classic ornamentation in a shabby chic style, floral, and delicate baroque-inspired effects with gold combinations.