We felt so privileged to be invited to take part in the makeover of the recently relocated Lou’s Place – a safe haven to provide basic needs for women experiencing trauma. Lou’s Place is the only daytime women’s refuge in Sydney and provides such an important service to women all year round.
Along with a number of other generous designers and suppliers, Designbx were a part of the dynamic dream team that created a safe, inspiring, and beautiful space to rest, retreat and recuperate.
Listed as an essential service by the NSW Government Act, Lou’s Place remained open throughout the Covid crisis and has acted as a safe haven for many women who have fled desperate situations that have increasingly occurred during this pandemic.
Lou’s Place has helped over 175,000 clients. Each year the case managers assist with over 6,250 client referrals, counselling, advocacy, coordinating legal advice, and setting up appointments for physical and mental health issues. The army of volunteers have cooked and served over 127,000 nutritious hot lunches which for many of our clients is the only meal they eat that day.

Every person has the right to access a space where they feel safe. We hope this fitout can take that notion one step further and allow some of those women to grow and flourish within this beautiful safe space.
More than ever it is imperative to support and nurture our underprivileged. Lou’s Place receives no core government funding and relies on the generous support of friends, donors and corporate partners. Donations can be made to the The Marmalade Foundation Pty Ltd which was set up in 1999 to support this community based refuge.
“ Kindness is a gift that everyone can give ”
If you’re looking for help to Refresh or Transform your space at home and not sure where to start? Designbx offers a FREE no-obligation 15 minute phone consultation and a convenient online booking system – BOOK NOW